New video uploaded to my YouTube Channel… Free video tutorial on the Do’s and Don’ts of my skin tone technique.

Narrated Video

In this Narrated video I share with you my techniques and tips on the do’s and don’ts of my skin tone technique using pastel pencils I show you all the pencils I use and explain how I achieve this ~ with real-time footage.

Also offer Patreon

I also offer Patreon where you will find longer slower and more in-depth video… click this link to find out more.

Let go of the Mind

I share with you the benefits of letting go of the mind and opening your heart and how this can have a dynamic effect on your work.

Realistic and Soulful Artwork

My passion is to help you to create realistic and soulful artwork. Check out the video in my Youtube Channel and see how I use unusual materials to achieve special effects.  I am very open with my technique so why not take a look… here a direct link to the video… Take a look